Inglês, perguntado por gerusardrgs7902, 1 ano atrás

Essa tabela é Para a questão número 6)

01. Em qual alternativa "tall, big" e "small" estão corretamente escritos no grau de superioridade?

a) taller - bigger - smaller

b) more tall - more big - more small

c) taller - bigger - more small

d) more tal - biger - smaller

02. Qual frase apresenta o grau de superioridade correto?

a) The actor is more short than my momo.

b) Lucy is more beautiful than her sister.

c) This car is expensiver than mine.

d) The pupil is more rich than the other one.

03. The black book is $35. The red book is $34. The yellow book is $40. The white book is $35. Marque as alternativas que apresentam formas comparativas corretas:

01. The black book is as cheap as the white one.

02. The red book is cheaper than the yellow one.

04. The white book is as cheap as the black one.

08. The yellow book is the most expensive of all.

16. The ye

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por malubirro



1) A

2) B

3) 01, 02, 04, 08, (não sabia o que era pra fazer na 16 ;-;)

Espero ter ajudado!

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