Escrever um pequeno texto sobre esse tema: "Há uma pequena cidade que está em risco de ser submersa por um lago se uma represa for construída em um rio local para produzir energia. Escolha entre: escrever um discurso político defendendo a construção da usina ou redigir um discurso político contra ela, defendendo a importância dos patrimônios históricos e o estilo de vida tradicional dos habitantes."
Podem escrever em Português aqui que eu passo pro Inglês. Pf, preciso de ajuda, n tenho ideia do que escrever.
Soluções para a tarefa
They want to build a dam close to a small town, that's going to cause it to be flooded. at first you might think "that's just a small town, no real damage, just reallocate those people and build the dam, which is something more important than that small town". But the thing is, every human being is important, because every human being is constantly making their own type of history in their own ways. It might be a small town, but its story isn't, the story of their people isn't. all the heritage left behind by those that lived in that small town generations ago, and all of the tradition and life style that their sons and daughters inherited has as much of an importance as any artifact left by ancient civilizations that is somewhat worshiped by us today in the museums around the world. People are important, their legacy, their traditions, their religion are also important. and destroying a whole legacy of stories from a town, as small as it might be, just to build a dam, is no small thing. Because after that dam is built and that small town is completely flooded, all of the legacy of those families that lived there for generations will be forever lost. After all, it's not just a museum burning to the ground that's worth of mourning, for all of the history being burned down. A small town with its decades of tradition, legacy, its own history, is also a very worthy subject of mourning. History is history no matter how small the population or the area is, tradition and legacy are irreplaceable.