escrever no plural as seguintes palavras:a little tooth,a wild mouse, na old ox,there was a goose in the lake
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
a little tooth = a little teeth
a wild mouse = savages rats
na old ox = the oxen ages
there was a goose in the lake = there were geese in the lakes
a wild mouse = savages rats
na old ox = the oxen ages
there was a goose in the lake = there were geese in the lakes
Respondido por
Little teeth
Wild mice
Old oxen
There were geese in the lakes
(nessa última frase seria melhor determinar a quantidade de gansos - two geese, three geese...)
Wild mice
Old oxen
There were geese in the lakes
(nessa última frase seria melhor determinar a quantidade de gansos - two geese, three geese...)
Perguntas interessantes
a wild mouse = savages rats
na old ox = the oxen ages
there was a goose in the lake = there were geese in the lakes