Inglês, perguntado por nicolaspereira757, 10 meses atrás

Escreva usando o Futuro Imediato. Observe o exemplo:
1. She - to drink cofee
She is going to drink coffee.

2. The boys - to play football
3. The man to read a newspaper.

4. He - to eat a sandwich.

5. I - to swim in the river.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sabrinagolveia76
2 - the boys is going to play football
3 - the man is going to read a newspaper
3 - he’s going to eat a sandwich
5 - i’m going to swim in the river

nicolaspereira757: obgd
Respondido por laislelli


1. She is going to drink coffee.

2. The boy is going to play football.

3. The man is going to read a newspaper.

4. He is going to eat a sandwich.

5. I am going to swim in the river

nicolaspereira757: obgd
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