Escreva um diálogo em inglês de no mínimo 20 linhas, usando palavras Homônimas,Homógrafas, Homófonas, destacando-as dentre do texto e abaixo escrever o significado destas palavras.
Soluções para a tarefa
1 - Hello Richard.
2 - Hi Robert. Are you ok?
3 - I didn't see you at the school. Where were you?
4 - He was standing close of the door. I thought you had see Robert.
5 - Not Richard. I had close the door of the my classroom.
6 - I remember Robert. In your classroom had two students.
7 - Yes, but in your classroom had bit of students too.
8 - Yes Robert. You are right. (Laughs).
9 - I am knowing about your class today and, I think you could compliment more your pupils, Richard. I have been see some intelligent students in your classroom.
10 - I agree with you Robert. I will go to make this tomorrow.
11 - Are you going to lunch now, Richard?
12 - Yes man. I need to eat meat because I love it. (Laughs)
13 - I will go to eat meat tonight. I will meet my girlfriend at the restaurant.
14 - Very good Robert. You need to rest sometimes. You are working a lot.
15 - I agree with you Richard.
16 - You could enjoy your time on weekends. To do other things.
17 - I am thinkg about it, Richard. Maybe I make it.
18 - Very good.
19 - Let's to lunch now?
20 - Go there friend.
Homógrafas - Na linha 4 a frase - He was standing close = Essa frase inteira por causa do "Close" significa (Ele estava de pé perto.)
Na linha 5 - "Close" significa fecha.
Homófonas - é usado para se referir a palavras que possuem pronúncias idênticas, ou seja.
Nas linhas 6 e 7 tem o mesmo som.
Linha 6 - two = dois.
Linha 7 - too = também.
Homônimos são palavras escritas de maneira diferente, mas que possuem o mesmo som, ou seja.
Nas linhas 12 e 13. São palavras diferentes e com o mesmo som.
Linha 12 - meat = carne.
Linha 13 - meet = escontro.
Espero ter ajudado.