Inglês, perguntado por iamthaliaaa, 8 meses atrás

Escreva os verbos presentes no texto como VERB TO BE, REGULARS VERBS e IRREGULAR VERBS.

The Story of St. Patrick

Saint Patrick's Day is March 17th. This day is both an Irish
religious and national holiday. Immigrants from Ireland
brought this celebration to the United States.
Saint Patrick is a very famous and
important person in Ireland.
He was
not actually born in Ireland.
He was
born in Great Britain. At 16 years old
he was kidnapped by pirates and taken
to Ireland where he was sold as a slave.
As a slave he was forced to work as a
shepherd. He spent many long hours alone taking care of
the sheep out in the fields. He felt lonely and afraid.
During this time Patrick began to think about God. He
repented from his sin and unbelief and he turned to God
with all his heart.
Patrick had a dream in which God told
him to leave Ireland by going to the
coast. He was able to escape and
returned to his family. Soon after he
returned home, he had another dream in
which the people of Ireland were calling
out to him, "We beg you to come and
walk among Us
once more." He went to
France and studied to become a priest. He returned to
Ireland as a missionary.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por paodemelfilho

verbs to be

is, was;

regular verbs

kidnapped, forced, repented, turned, returned, studied;

irregular verbs

spent, felt, began, had, told;

iamthaliaaa: muito obrigada :)
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