Inglês, perguntado por cledilainegmello, 7 meses atrás

Escreva os verbos no Going to (futuro próximo) e no
Present Continuous, e complete o sentido das frases com a tradução:

a. Mary __ going to _ / She _____ swimming now.
b. Paul __ going to __ football / He __ playing football now.
c. They ___ going to drive. / We are_________ now.
d. Antonio __ going to read a / I am _______ the book now.
e. The boy __ going to eat the / He __ eating the cake now.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por fafavia11


a. Mary is going to swim / She is swimming now.

b. Paul is going to play football / He is playing football now.

c. They are going to drive. / We are driving now.

d. Antonio is going to read a / I am reading the book now.


e. The boy is going to eat the / He is eating the cake now.



Usamos o tempo verbal present continuous quando buscamos expressar ações e eventos que estão ocorrendo no mesmo momento de fala. Por isso, é comum apresentar o present continuous para descrever ações que estão acontecendo agora.

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