Inglês, perguntado por Tiago903, 8 meses atrás

Escreva os verbos entre parênteses no tempo passado simples. We ___________________(to start) our journey at 8 o’clock. First we ____________ (to go) to Central Park and __________________ (to visit) the zoo. At midday we ___________ (to have) lunch. I _______________ (to eat) a sandwich and ________________ (to drink) some orange juice. In the afternoon we ______________ (to walk) a lot. I ____________ (to see) all those fabulous skyscrapers! At 6 we ____________(to come back) to the hotel. Then I ___________(to call) dad and ___________ (to tell) him about my day.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por banananightz1

Resposta: We started our journey at 8 o'clock. First we went to Central Park and visited the zoo. At midday we had lunch. I ate a sandwich and drank some orange juice. In the afternoon we walked a lot. I saw all those fabulous skyscrapers! At 6 we came back to the hotel. Then I called dad and told him about my day.

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