Inglês, perguntado por mayaracola, 8 meses atrás

Escreva os verbos dos parênteses na forma correta do Present Simple: a. The store .......................... (open) at 9am and .......................... (close) at 7pm. b. Where ..........................(auxiliar) Camila .......................... (live)? c. She .......................... (have) a car but she .......................... (not use) it very often. d. My father .......................... (not smoke), but he .......................... (drink) a lot. e. My two brothers .......................... (not call) me very often. f. She .......................... (read) that magazine every time she .......................... (come) here. g. My mom .......................... (enjoy) listening to music. h. My mom .......................... (study) German every day. i. What time .......................... Fábio .......................... (go) to school? j. My uncle .......................... (not speak) Japanese, but he .......................... (speak) Chinese

suzanadejupiter: 1) opens
2) closes
3) does
4) live
5) has
6) doesn't use
7) doesn't smoke
8) drinks
9) don't call
10) reads
11) comes
12) enjoy
13) study
14) goes
15) doesn't speak
16) speaks

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por suzanadejupiter
1) opens
2) closes
3) does
4) live
5) has
6) doesn't use
7) doesn't smoke
8) drinks
9) don't call
10) reads
11) comes
12) enjoy
13) study
14) goes
15) doesn't speak
16) speaks
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