Inglês, perguntado por rildobatista137, 5 meses atrás

Escreva o "pronome reflexivo "coreto:myself,yourself,himself,
or themselves.
1. I went to the supermarket by______.
2. Harry lives by_______.
3. Anna had dinner at the restaurant by_________.
4. You shouldn't go there by_______.
5. We will build the house by_______.
6. They went on a holiday by_______.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por xXEspertinhoXx


1. I went to the supermarket by myself.

2. Harry lives by humself.

3. Anna had dinner at the restaurant by herself.

4. You shouldn't go there by yourself.

5. We will build the house by ourselves.

6. They went on a holiday by themselves.

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