Inglês, perguntado por luluhrodrigues071, 8 meses atrás

escreva na forma negativa
a) melissa was late for School
b) Peter and Sandy were my neighbours
c) it was a different day
d) i was late
e)You were at my party​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lololi33
a) melissa wasn't late for school
b) peter and sandy weren't my neighbors
c) it wasn't a different day
d) i wasn't late
e) you weren't at my party
Respondido por pedroe683

a) Mellisa wasn't late for School

b) Peter and Sandy weren't my neighbours

c) It wasn't a different day

d) I wasn't late

e) You weren't at my party

Para deixar uma frase na forma negativa basta colocar o "-n't" (na forma abreviada) ou "not" (na forma extensa)

Exemplos: I was -> i wasn't

You were -> you were not

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