Inglês, perguntado por Vítorvngr, 1 ano atrás

Éscreva frases no present perfect contínuos use for
A) Jane takes tennis lessons . She started in 1991 .
B) Jenny plays the piano . She started in 1988 .
C) tom collets football posters. He started in 1987.
D ) Nick Góes tô a youth clube Jr started in 1990.
E) Paul draws cartoons he started in 1989.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

a. Jane has been taking tennis lessons since 1991.

b. Jenny has been playing the piano since 1988.

c. Tom has been collecting football posters since 1987.

d. Nick has been going to a youth club since 1990.

e. Paul has been drawing cartoons since 1989.

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