Inglês, perguntado por hpaulo807, 1 ano atrás

. escreva em inglês- Write in english.

a. Eu vou ao mercado

b.Ela vai à igreja.

c. Ele viaja todos os dias.

d. Eles viajam toda semana.

e. Pedro come muito.

f. Elas comem muito.

g. Nós lemos este livro todos os dias.

h. Você escreve bem.

I.Vocês escrevem bem.

j. Ela escreve todos os dias.

3. Passe estas frases acima para a forma interrogativa e para a negativa.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por brendavitoria6788


A) I'm going to the market.

B) She goes to church

C) He travels every day.

D) They travel every week.

E) Pedro eats a lot.

F) They eat a lot.

G) We read this book every day

H) You write well

I) You write well.

J) She writes every day.

uniterstoalwaysunite: A) I go to the market.
lundhere: está errado, ele pediu simple present e na negativa e interrogativa.
Respondido por lundhere
1. Affirmative

a) I go to the market
b) She goes to the church
c) He travels every day
d) They travel every week
e) Pedro eats a lot
f) They eat a lot
g) We read this book every day
h) You write well
i) You write well
j) She writes every day

2. Negative

a) I don’t go to the market
b) She doesn’t go to the church
c) He doesn’t travel every day
d) They don’t travel every week
e) Pedro doesn’t eat a lot
f) They don’t eat a lot
g) We don’t read this book every day
h) You don’t write well
i) You don’t write well
j) She doesn’t write every day

3. Interrogative

a) Do I go to the market?
b) Does she go to the church?
c) Does he travel everyday?
d) Do they travel every week?
e) Does Pedro eat a lot?
f) Do they eat a lot?
g) Do we read this book everyday?
h) Do you write well?
i) Do you write well?

Espero que tenha ajudado ; )

lundhere: Se puder me dar melhor resposta me ajudaria muuuito : )
lundhere: Obrigadoo :))
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