Inglês, perguntado por joaquim4523, 3 meses atrás

Escreva as frases no past tense. Em seguida passe-as para forma negativa:

a) Ela era minha namorad@

b) O professor estava atrasado ontem

c) Vocês foram bons alunos

d) Eles estavam na festa

e) Ele era muito feliz​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por stefanysl

Resposta: a) She was my girlfriend

b) The teacher was late yesterday

c) You were good students

d) They were at the party

e) He was very happy​


She wasnt my girlfriend

b) The teacher wasnt late yesterday

c) You werent good students

d) They werent at the party

e) He wasnt very happy​

joaquim4523: muito obrigado mesmo :)
stefanysl: de nada :D
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