Inglês, perguntado por go99890, 1 ano atrás

Escreva as frases no passado simples:

a) She is my best friend.
b) Mary sleep 12 hours every day.
c) Suzane and I go to the supermarket.
d) Ronaldo and Romario are soccer players.
e) Reginaldo goes to school by bus.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por VGuerrero
she was my..
mary slept 12..
Suzane And I went to the..
Ronaldo and Romario were soccer..
Reginaldo went to school..

VGuerrero: Na afirmativa muda a conjugaçao do verbo (se regular acrescenta ed, se irregular formas variadas)
Respondido por Estefaniia
a) She was my best friend. b) Mary slept 12 hours every day. c) Suzanne and I went to the supermarket. d) Ronaldo and Romario were soccer players. e) Reginaldo went to school by bus.

go99890: Obr :D
VGuerrero: pq ela ficou c a melhor resposta? respondi a mesma coisa e ainda coloquei dos verbos irregulares e regulares kkkkkkk
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