Inglês, perguntado por igorttr, 8 meses atrás

( escreva as frases nas formas
negativa e interrogativa)
a) There is one flower into the vase.
b) There are two tablets on the shelf.
c) There is one dog in the backyard.

d) There are clothes in the store.
e) There are ten glasses on the table.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por letiliba


a) there isn't one flower into the vase

is there one flower into the vase?

b) there aren't two tablets on the shelf

are there two tablets on the shelf?

c) there isn't one dog in the backyard

is there one dog in the backyard?

d) there aren't clothes in the store

are there clothes in the store?

e) there aren't ten glasses on the table

are there ten glasses on the table?


Respondido por barbosaa22
There is not one flower into the vase
There are not two tablets on the shelf
There is not one dog in the backyard
There are not clothes in the store
There are not ten glasses on the table
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