Escreva as frases com o futuro WILL nas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa, utilizando os verbos em parênteses:
Afirmativa: She____________that house (Buy).
Negativa: She ______________that house.
Interrogativa:_________she_______that house?
Afirmativa: You________________ of me tonight. (Dream).
Negativa: You________________of me tonight.
Interrogativa: ____________you_____________of me tonight?
Afirmativa: Brazil ______________ the Word Cup (Win).
Negativa: Brazil __________________the Word Cup.
Afirmativa: _______ Brazil___________the Word Cup?
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Simple future with ''will''
Afirmativa: She will buy that house (Buy).
Negativa: She will not buy that house.
Interrogativa: Will she buy that house?
Afirmativa: You will dream of me tonight. (Dream).
Negativa: You won't dream of me tonight.
Interrogativa: Will you dream of me tonight?
Afirmativa: Brazil will win the Word Cup (Win).
Negativa: Brazil won't win the Word Cup.
Afirmativa: Will Brazil will the Word Cup?
⇒⇒ Simple future com ''will'' >> tempo verbal para falar sobre um futuro sem confirmação, futuro incerto - não planejado
→ Affirmative
sujeito + will + verbo + complemento
I will go to the park tomorrow.
She will ride a bike next Sunday.
→ Interrogative
Will + sujeito + verbo + complemento
Will you play soccer?
Will she clean her room?
→ Negativa
sujeito + will + not + verbo + complemento (will not = won't)
John will not run at the park.
The kids will not play soccer tomorrow.
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