Inglês, perguntado por lindinha8176, 10 meses atrás

Escreva as frases abaixo na forma negativa do futuro com will em Inglês.

1-I will get up early tomorrow.
EXEMPLO: I won't get up early tomorrow.

2-1 will walk 7 miles next week

3- She will study English.

4- Brazil will win this World Cup Tournament.

5- Sarah will leave you alone here.

6- She will teach me how to speak English.

7- My teacher will teach me how to say that word.

8- My father will help me answer those questions.

9- My best friend will dance with me tomorrow.

10- It will play with me.

11- It will be funny.

12- She will be there.

13- They will go out for dinner.

14- I will talk to him tomorrow.

15- I will help my friend with his homework tonight.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por cleandromendeslm


2. I won't walk 7 mmiles next week.

3. She won't study English.

4. Brazil won't win this World Cup Tournament.

5.Sarah won't leave you alone here.

6. She won't teach me how to speak English.

7. My teacher won't teach me how to say that word.

8.My father won't help me answer those questions.

9.My best friend won't dance with me tomorrow.

10. It won't play with me.

11. It won" be funny.

12. She won't be there .

13.They won't go out for dinner.

14. I won't talk to him tomorrow.

15.I won't help my friend with his homework tonight.

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