Inglês, perguntado por charlaobahia, 7 meses atrás

escreva as frases abaixo na forma interrogativa.

a) the girl kissed the boy
b) your monther studied english
c) you went to disneyword
d) they sold the house
e) i dance well
f) the school opened at 8 o clock yesterday
G) my father forgot my birthday
h)paul and jack lived in sao paulo

exemplos: my friend wrote a book. Did my friend write a book?
the dog played with the baby. Did the dog play with the baby

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por emydiasvitoria

Resposta:A)did the girl kissed a boy?

b)did Your monther studied inglish?

c)did you went to dysneyworld?

d)did they sold the house?

e)did i dance well?

f)did the school opened at 8 o clock yesterday?

g)did my father forgot my birthday?

h) did paul and jack lived in são paulo?

Explicação:EU acho que esta certo pelo q entendi!

charlaobahia: vlw lek tmj
emydiasvitoria: Dnd
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