Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 1 ano atrás

Escreva as formas verbais no presente e no passado: (Inglês)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dihrk
Alguns exemplos:

I like to make cakes.
I liked to make cakes.
I didn't like to make cakes.
Did you like to make cakes?

She works in the afternoon.
She worked in the afternoon.
She didn't work in the afternoon.
Did she work in the afternoon?

They drink tea.
They drank tea.
They didn't drink tea.
Did they drink tea?
Respondido por Jetsam
I am
You are
He is
We are
You are
They are

I was
You were
He was
We were
You were
They were
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