Inglês, perguntado por gudervanessaluisa, 8 meses atrás

escreva as datas em inglês conforme o exemplo04/09/2013 → it's the fourth of September twenty thirteen 21/01/2001 it's the one onio 22/03/1998 31/11/1987 15/06/2010 05/08/2008 03/02/1854 12/04/1968​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por oiimelo


21/01/2001 -> It's the twenty-first of January, two thousand and one

22/03/1998 -> It's the twenty-second of March, nineteen ninety-eight

31/11/1987 -> It's the thirty-first of November, nineteen eighty-seven

15/06/2010 -> It's the fifteenth of June, two thousand and ten

05/08/2008 -> It's the fifth of August, two thousand and eight

03/02/1854 -> It's the third of February, eighteen fifty-four

12/04/1968​ -> It's the twelfth of April, nineteen sixty-eight

Espero ter ajudado!!! <3

Bons estudos!!! :D

Qualquer dúvida só falar ^^

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