Escreva aqui o seu algoritmo para que o robô percorra toda a pista sobre a linha preta.
F, para o robô seguir para frente;
P, para o robô parar;
VD, para o robô virar á direita;
VE, para o robô virar à esquerda.
Soluções para a tarefa
Abstract. The use of mobile robots in education has already been consolidated as
an effective strategy to assist both teaching and learning of technologies, since it
facilitates the visualization of the programming result that becomes attractive for
the children. This article presents the development a mobile robot called Alec,
aimed to teach and learn algorithms for children in the initial years of elementary
school. Alec is able to read instructional letters that serve as an algorithm step to
guide him to his ultimate goal. A version of Alec is already in the final stage of
prototyping and it is hoped that with its use, it will be possible to stimulate
algorithmic thinking in children, one of the competences of computational thinking