Inglês, perguntado por lucaferreira979, 1 ano atrás

escreva 10 frases no Simple Present

escreva 15 frases no Simple Past

Soluções para a tarefa

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Simple presente

1- You must pay attention when get out of home.

2- I wait here every day because the bus come early.

3- She spends all her money with candies.

4- It happens all day.

5- Peter likes me as a cat.

6- Animals eat fruit, everybody knows it.

7- John talks to me before the school start.

8- It begins as I hope.

9- Carlos buys her a new car.

10- I'm bored and tired.

Simple Past

1- Who did eat the food in fridge?

2- I did my homework las night.

3- We played basket last month.

4- The sound stopped.

5- Everybody made that food, yesterday.

6- I didn't mind about him.

7- He loved her for a long time ago.

8- The sun didn't come up.

9- It happened before you come.

10- Tallys had a bike, but he lost.

11- Tallys bike broke last night, so I took to the Peter's house.

12- I took the bus, last weekend.

13- Stop! You didn't do that.

14- Did you speak english there?

15- My brother came

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