Inglês, perguntado por fabiaraujocarvalho5, 10 meses atrás

- Escolha alguma(s) expressão(ões) abaixo para descrever o que você pretende fazer quando o período de isolamento social tiver terminado: Hi, I’m Alice Styles and I am photographer. I’m married and have one kid: a little boy namedKyle. I live in Brighton, UK. I work for a magazine but at the moment I am home officing due tothe pandemic coronavirus. When the social isolation is over, I intend to go out and take as many pictures as I can. go out with my friends travel somewhere I will go to the movies visit my relatives visit different places practise sports go to the beach

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por tilsinhotil89


go out with my friends travel somewhere I will go to the movies visit my relatives visit different places practise sports go to the beach

Explicação: espero ter ajudado

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