Português, perguntado por thayanemenezes, 6 meses atrás

for help
66. Listen! Someone
a) scream
c)is screaming
d) screaming
to drive a car.
67. He
a) am learning
b) is learning
c) learning
d) are learning
68. "Quiet please-I.....
a) am doing a test!
B) do a test!
c) doing a test!
d) does a test
the subject, the students
69. "While the teacher
a) is explain-are talk.
b) am explain-am talk.
c) is explaining-are talking.
d) are explaining-are talking.
TV an hour ago?
the boys
a) Are - watch
b) Is-watch.
c) Are - watching
d) Is-watching

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lucasgplaysiuv76




for help

66. Listen! Someone

a) scream


c)is screaming

d) screaming

to drive a car.

67. He

a) am learning

b) is learning

c) learning

d) are learning

68. "Quiet please-I.....

a) am doing a test!

B) do a test!

c) doing a test!

d) does a test


the subject, the students

69. "While the teacher


a) is explain-are talk.

b) am explain-am talk.1) Marque a frase que está no PRESENT CONTINUOUS:

○ I am studying at this moment.  ✅

○ We have online classes.

○ I study every morning.

○ I am a good student.

2) Todas as frases estão no PRESENT CONTINUOUS, exceto uma. Assinale-a:

○ We are not sleeping.

○ Are you waiting for the bus?

○ They read good books.   ✅ >>> simple present

○ She is watching Tv.

3) Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase no PRESENT CONTINUOUS:

A) She   is working   in Spain.

○ works

○ working

○ is working  ✅

○ are working.

B) We  are going   to the club right now.

○ go

○ are going   ✅

○ is going

○ going

c) He is working  in a restaurant now.

○ work

○ working

○ am working

○ is working.   ✅

d) I am walking  to school now.

○ walk

○ walking

○ am walking   ✅

○ are walking

e) My mother is cooking  now.

○ cooking

○ is cooking.  ✅

○ are cooking.

○ am cooking

4) Leia: [ My mother is a teacher. She is correcting some students´ exercises now. ] Sobre essas frases é correto afirmar que

○ Em "My mother is a teacher" o verbo está no PRESENT CONTINUOUS

○ Em "She is correcting some students´exercises now" a ação não está acontecendo no momento em que se fala.

○ Apenas uma delas está no Present Continuous  ✅

○ As duas estão no Present Continuous

5) Assinale a frase que retrata uma ação que esteja acontecendo no momento em que se fala:

○ Tom and Peter are good friends.

○ The students are doing the exercises at this moment.  ✅

○ We live in São Paulo.

○ She watches TV every night.

6) The bus is leaving the bus station. A forma negativa é

○ The bus doesn´t leaving the bus station.

○ The bus is not leaving the bus station.  ✅

○ The bus is leaving not the bus station

○ The bus not is leaving the bus station.

7) A forma interrogativa de " My friend is drinking tea now" é:

○ My friend is drinking tea now?

○ Is my friend drinking tea now?  ✅

○ Does my friend is drinking tea now?

○ My is friend drinking tea now?

8) Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente cada frase a seguir:

a) The boy  is playing  the guittar now.

○ is cooking

○ is working

○ is watching

○ is playing   ✅

b) She is eating    a sandwich now.

○ is drinking

○ is working

○ is eating    ✅

○ is studying

c) The man is reading  the newspaper now.

○ is washing

○ is meeting

○ is reading   ✅

○ is sleeping

d) The children are running   around the car.

○ are cooking

○ are studying

○ are living

○ are running    ✅

e) The two sisters are cleaning  their bedroom.

○ are dancing

○ are cleaning    ✅

○ are eating

○ are living

f) She is drinking  water now.

○ is drinking   ✅  

○ is washing

○ is eating

○ is watching

9) Marque a sentença correta

○ The boys is playing in front of the house.

○ My grandfather watching TV.

○ My mother is making a cake.  ✅  

○ She am doing the exercises.

10) Marque a sentença correta:

○ Are I studying at this moment?

○ They are going to the school?

○ Is you working in Spain?

○ Is she waiting for the bus now?  ✅  


⇒⇒ Present continuous - descreve ações que estão acontecendo no momento em que se fala.  Podem vir seguidas de ''now'' ,  ''at the moment'' ou ''at this moment''. Para formar o present continuous é preciso verbo ''to be'' no presente (am - is - are) + verbo terminando em ''-ing ''

→ Estrutura present continuous - afirmativa

sujeito + verbo to be + verbo -ing + complemento

I am doing my homework now.

They are playing soccer now.

John is studying for the final tests.

→ Estrutura present continuous - interrogativa

verbo to be + sujeito + verbo -ing + complemento

Are you playing soccer?

→ Estrutura present continuous - negativa

sujeito + verbo to be + not + verbo -ing + complemento

John is not running at the park.

Aprenda mais em:

→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25464340

→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25349864

→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25969590

c) is explaining-are talking.

d) are explaining-are talking.

TV an hour ago?

the boys


a) Are - watch

b) Is-watch.

c) Are - watching

d) Is-watching

Respondido por laurinhabibiss

Resposta: 66. letra a

                 67. letra b

                 68. letra a

                 69. letra d

a ultima questão saiu muito desordenada e por isso não consigo responder

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