Escolha a opção em que todos os verbos regulares estão no Simple Past: *
10 pontos
stopped - loved - studied - plaied
stopped - loved - studied - played
stoped - loveed - studyed - played
stoped - loved - studied - plaied
Escolha a opção que mostra a forma correta do passado dos verbos regulares a seguir: achieve - carry - enjoy - hurry *
10 pontos
achieveed - carryed - enjoyed - hurryed
achieveed - carried - enjoyed - hurried
achieved - carried - enjoied - hurried
achieved - carried - enjoyed - hurried
Escolha a opção que melhor completa as sentenças a seguir do verbo to be no Past: I - She __________ at school yesterday. II - They _________ not happy last week. III - We __________living in London last year. *
10 pontos
were - was - was
were - was - were
was - were - were
were - were - was
Escolha a opção que apresenta a forma interrogativa do Past Simple do verbo TO BE: *
10 pontos
Was he in your house last night?
She was late to the date?
Were he living in New York?
You were studying a lot?
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Simple past >> regular verbs
1. Escolha a opção em que todos os verbos regulares estão no Simple Past:
- stopped - loved - studied - plaied
- stopped - loved - studied - played ✅
- stoped - loveed - studyed - played
- stoped - loved - studied - plaied
2. Escolha a opção que mostra a forma correta do passado dos verbos regulares a seguir:
achieve - carry - enjoy - hurry
- achieveed - carryed - enjoyed - hurryed
- achieveed - carried - enjoyed - hurried
- achieved - carried - enjoied - hurried
- achieved - carried - enjoyed - hurried ✅
3. Escolha a opção que melhor completa as sentenças a seguir do verbo to be no Past:
I - She was at school yesterday.
II - They were not happy last week.
III - We were living in London last year.
- were - was - was
- were - was - were
- was - were - were ✅
- were - were - was
4. Forma interrogativa do Past Simple do verbo TO BE:
- Was he in your house last night? ✅
- She was late to the date?
- Were he living in New York?
- You were studying a lot?
⇒⇒ Simple past and regular verbs
Este tempo verbal descreve ações que aconteceram no passado e não estão mais acontecendo no presente.
I visited my cousin last week. >> Eu visitei minha prima semana passada.
Anna watched TV last night. >> Anna assistiu TV ontem à noite.
The kids played video game. >> As crianças jogaram video game.
No ''simple past'', os verbos terminados em ''ed'' são considerados ''regular verbs''. A maioria dos verbos em inglês são regulares.
→ to visit - visited
I visited my cousin last week.
→ to live - lived
I lived in Australia.
→ to wash - washed
She washed her hair last night.
→ to watch - watched
The kids watched TV yesterday.
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