Escolha a alternativa para, respectivamente, completar as lacunas nas orações abaixo:
I. I am sure I saw her putting her diary _____ her pocket.
II. Are the house keys _____ the desk?
III. How could the cat climb _____ the roof?
into - onto - on
into - on - onto
in - on - onto
in - onto - on
on - into - in
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Prepositions
I. I am sure I saw her putting her diary in her pocket.
II. Are the house keys on the desk?
III. How could the cat climb onto the roof?
A) into - onto - on
B) into - on - onto
C) in - on - onto ✅
D) in - onto - on
E) on - into - in
Alternativa correta letra ''C''
➡️ Prepositions IN - ON - ONTO
→→ ''in'' para se referir aos períodos maiores e menos específicos, como uma parte do dia, meses, estações do ano, anos, séculos
in May
in Summer
in 1990
in the morning
in the Spring
in the past
→→ ''on'' para dias da semana e datas
on 6th March
on the weekend
on Sunday morning
Monday afternoon
on January 10th, 2010
on New Year’s Eve
→→ ''onto'' para dizer que algo ou alguém está se movendo para uma posição em uma superfície.
The cat is climbing onto the roof.
Learn more
Escolha a alternativa para, respectivamente, completar as lacunas nas orações abaixo:
I. I am sure I saw her putting her diary _____ her pocket.
II. Are the house keys _____ the desk?
III. How could the cat climb _____ the roof?
into - onto - on
into - on - onto
in - on - onto . ✔️
in - onto - on
on - into - in