Escola Estadual Fernando Corrêa – Três Lagoas, MS
Aulas Programadas Complementares de Língua Inglesa- Aula 04
Teacher: Cristiane Zupa Data:
Turmas: 7º A e 7º B
1- Rewrite the sentences using the There to be in the past tense: (Reescrevam as sentenças usando "there was" e "there were" corretamente.
A. There is a shopping mall near his house.
B. There is a white cat on the table.
C. There are great people where I live.
D. There are many places to visit.
2- Pass the sentences to the negative and interrogative forms: (Passem as sentenças a seguir para as formas negativa e interrogativa)
A. There was a teacher here.
B. There were people talking in the house.
C- There were four dogs playing in the street.
- D- There was one book on my table.
E- There was an elephant eating grass on the jungle.
é pra hojeeeee
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1-Se eu entendi bem é para colocar there was e there were.
A regra é simples! No plural usamos there were e no singular there was!
A-There was
B-There was
C- There were
D-There were
2-A- Was there a teacher here?
There wasn't a theacher here
B- Were there people talking in the house?
There weren't people talking in the house
C- Were there four dogs playing in the street?
There weren't four dogs playing in the street.
D- Was there one book on my table
There wasn't one book on my table
E-Was there an elephant eating grass on the jungle
There wasn't an elephant eating grass on the jungle.
Espero ter ajudado ^^
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