Inglês, perguntado por Jacquelyne01, 8 meses atrás

enumere os verbos a seguir ordenados-os

___you're in my head
___i'd rather choke on my bad decisions
___than just carry them to my grave
___i just got scared away, away
___cracks won't fix and scars won't fade away
___always , aways, aways
___Guess i should get used to this
___trouble sleeping
___i remember we were strangers
___you're in my head
___between then and nome
___And why does this feei like drowning?
___the left side of my bed, on empty space
___restless dreming
___so Tell me what's the difference Always, Always​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Put in the correct order

Always by Gavin James

1 The left side of my bed's an empty space

2 I remember we were strangers

3 So tell me what's the difference

4 Between then and now

5 And why does this feel like drowning?

6 Trouble sleeping

7 Restless dreaming

8 You're in my head

9     Always, Always​

10    I just got scared away, away

11     I'd rather choke on my bad decisions

12    than just carry them to my grave

13    always , always, always

14    Cracks won't fix and scars won't fade away

15    Guess I should get used to this

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