Inglês, perguntado por l8e4t5y, 8 meses atrás

Preencha as lacunas do texto com as formas do verbo to be: AM, IS ou ARE:

Jane____ a special little gint. She has two friends: Lisa and kate. they ____ very good friends. I____Jane's sister and my name____ Kelly. We____good friends too. tom____our brother and Toto_____ our dog. Bili and sarah____ our parents. they____ at work now. we____ very happy in our family!

has = tem
our = nosso/ nossa (s)
parents = pais
very = muito
work = trabalho​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

Jane is a special little girl. She has two friends: Lisa and Kate. They are very good friends. I am Jane's sister and my name is Kelly. We are good friends too. Tom is our brother and Toto is our dog. Billy and Sarah are our parents. They are at work now. We are very happy in our family!

Como usar ;D

I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, you are, they are.

Quando são nomes (por exemplo, Jane), substitua por he, she ou it (Jane é uma she, então she is - Jane is).

Quando é mais de uma pessoa (por exemplo, Lisa and Kate), substitua por they (Lisa and Kate são elas [they], então Lisa and Kate are very good friends).

l8e4t5y: muito obrigado
l8e4t5y: legal / Miami / dezembro

3. quente / Tóquio / setembro

4. ensolarado / Londres / julho

5. quente / Cidade do México / agosto

6. nevado / Moscou / fevereiro

7. frio / New York City / Marc

8. ventoso / Chicago / Novembe
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