Inglês, perguntado por daniellasantos34, 1 ano atrás

Encontre o erro!
Encontre o erro ,sublinhe ,copie e traduza a sentença corretamente.

a)Play to nicely with other children.

b)Don't forgetting your homework .

c)Please foi pass me a pencil.

d)Brushing your teeth every day.

e)Don't to make a mess!​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por luisotaviocfontes

a)Play to nicely with other children.  ⇒ Play nicely with other children.

b)Don't forgetting your homework.  ⇒ Don't forget your homework.

c)Please pass me a pencil.  Please, pass me the pencil.

d)Brushing your teeth every day.  ⇒ Brush your teeth every day.

e)Don't to make a mess!​ ⇒ Don't make a mess!

Albertofrederic: e pra me sublinhar quais palavras?
luisotaviocfontes: as que estão em destaque de preto
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