Inglês, perguntado por jmaicon651, 10 meses atrás

Encontre no texto abaixo as palavras cognatas?
What is dance? Dance is an art language in which dancers use their bodies to perform purposefully sequences of movements in order to express themselves.Dance can be categorized by the historical period, the choreography, the place of origin, and the number of performers. Dance is also a living art, which means it can change living art and transform from one generation to another. Many countries have cultural dancing styles, and it is deeply related to their history, culture and religion. Dancing is like giving life to movements, sharing emotions, someone’s culture and history.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por miguelcalixtodossant


achei essas

dança, dançarino, dançar

Palavras cognatas são aquelas que possuem a mesma origem, com grafias iguais ou semelhantes, e o mesmo significado, podendo possuir pequenas discrepâncias.

Essas palavras possuem o mesmo radical em dois idiomas distintos, sendo pertencentes à mesma família etimológica.


espero ter ajudado ☺️

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