Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 9 meses atrás

Encontre as quatro fases com erros e corrija-as

a) My bedroom is a comfortable as yours.

b) Jake is less intelligent as Michael.

c) English is more easy than Portuguese.

d) Soccer is not so popular as baseball in the USA.

e) I think iPods are less expensive than laptops.

f) Rose is more tall than Kelly.

g) The apple pie is hot than the sandwich.

h) That building is less modern than the new cathedral.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jsoar

Encontrei mais de quatro erradas. Confira se foi erro de digitação na hora de mandar a pergunta.

a) My bedroom is a comfortable as yours.

My bedroom is as comfortable as yours.

b) Jake is less intelligent as Michael.

Jake is less intelligent than Michael.

c) English is more easy than Portuguese.

English is easier than Portuguese.

d) Soccer is not so popular as baseball in the USA.  

Soccer is not as popular as baseball in the USA.  

e) I think iPods are less expensive than laptops.  


f) Rose is more tall than Kelly.  

Rose is taller than Kelly.

g) The apple pie is hot than the sandwich.

The apple pie is hotter than the sandwich.

h) That building is less modern than the new cathedral.


Usuário anônimo: mas só tem 4 erradas
Usuário anônimo: todas estão corretas
Usuário anônimo: acabei de verificar
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