em uma folha faça uma lista com pelo manos 25 frases use cada adjetivo para caracterizar algo diferente pode ser frases completas tipo the house is beautiful (a casa é bonita )ou simplesmente o adjetivo da palavra que ele caracterizar tipo beautiful house (casa bonita )
Soluções para a tarefa
i'm beautiful, i'm smart, i'm smart, i'm playful, i'm humble, i'm generous, i'm tall, i'm impatient, school is fun, school is beautiful, the sky is beautiful, the trees are wonderful, i'm very kind, and I am very convinced
the house is big
the boy is pretty
the dog is thin
grandma's food is very good
the neighbor's food is better
the pineapple is delicious even though it is sour
people know little about him
aunts talk a lot
this is sweet
the sofa is clear
monica's tooth is big
magali never stops eating
your friend is boring
the text is huge
the film was well produced
the characters are smart
the smart ones are those over there
emojis with hearts are very sweet
drawing a circle is difficult
dulce de leche is better than Nutella, but you are not prepared
walking is very
love is beautiful
pen is beautiful
my meal is beautiful
young Monica’s class is really cool
he is young
she is known