em qual das frases abaixo o verbo have está conjugado corretamente no simple past a)I dont have any choice b)do you have children?c)sabrina has two Brothers d)they have a house in brazil. e)did he have a lot of Money?
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Verb ''to have'' >>> simple past
a) I don't have any choice. >> simple present
b) Do you have children? >> simple present
c) Sabrina has two brothers. >> simple present
d) They have a house in Brazil. >> simple present
e) Did he have a lot of money? >> SIMPLE PAST √
Alternativa correta letra ''e''
⇒⇒ Verb ''to have'' >>> significa ''ter'' - ''possuir''
Como conjugar
I have two sisters.
You have French class on Tuesdays.
He has a new mobile phone.
She has a dog.
It has some toys.
We have cats and dogs.
You have many books.
They have a lot of friends.
→→ Verb ''to have'' >> simple past
I had a bike.
You had French class on Tuesdays.
He had a new mobile phone.
She had a dog.
It had some toys.
We had cats and dogs.
You had many books.
They had a lot of friends.
→→ Interrogative form >> usa o auxiliar DID >>> na presença do auxiliar DID o verbo volta para a forma normal na interrogativa/negativa.
Did + sujeito + verbo + complemento
Did John go to school yesterday?
Did Helen study for the tests?
Did you have a lot of friends?
Did Alice have a new mobile?
Did they have French class.
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