Inglês, perguntado por fafa345fafa123, 11 meses atrás

Em qual alternativa abaixo, a conjugação foi feita de forma CORRETA :

a)To listen = (Ouvir) I listen, you listen, he listens, she listens, it listens, we listen, they listens
b) To stop = (Parar) I stops, you stop, he stop, she stop, it stops, we stops, they stops.
c)To Pray= (Orar) I pray, you pray, he prays, she pray, it prays, we prays, they pray.
To Fly= (Voar) I flyes, you flyes, he flies, she flies, it flyes, we flyes, we fly, they fly.
d) To Hope= (Esperar) I hope, you hope, he hopes, she hopes, it hopes, we hope, they hope,

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