Inglês, perguntado por su32, 1 ano atrás

Em língua inglesa, utilizamos o superlativo (superlative) nos adjetivos para expressar a qualidade de um adjetivo no seu mais alto grau, intensificando uma determinada característica. Para colocar os adjetivos na forma superlativa, consideramos o número de sílabas que o adjetivo possui, bem como os adjetivos que são exceção, como the worst, por exemplo.
SILVA, Marcelo José da. Língua Inglesa II. Maringá-Pr.: UniCesumar, 2014. Reimpresso em 2019.

Assim sendo, leia o texto a seguir, com especial atenção às construções no superlativo da língua inglesa.

Skip the Emergency Room, Go to the Barbershop

There is an old saying, “Wars are too important to be left to generals.” There may be a new saying, “Health care is too important to be left to doctors.”

A new study asked a question. Is the barbershop a better place to detect and treat hypertension than a doctor’s office? The full answer to this question is not yet clear. But results are coming in.

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, leads to heart attacks. That is the number one killer of men in America.

Why a barbershop? Particularly for black American men, the barbershop is a place to socialize. It is a place for frank talk and friendship. Researchers thought it was a good place to talk about hypertension.

The recent study focused on barbers rather than physicians. Group One consisted of barbers who encouraged lifestyle changes in customers. When called for they referred men with high blood pressure to physicians.

In Group Two, trained barbers screened potential patients. They handed potential patients off to pharmacists who came to the barbershops. The pharmacists treated patients with medications and lifestyle changes according to set routines. The pharmacists then updated physicians on what they had done.

The results were impressive.

These were the results six months into the trial for group one. Systolic blood pressure (the higher of the two blood pressure numbers) dropped about 9 points to 145.4. That is still high.

Group Two, customer blood pressure dropped 27 points to 125.8. That is close to “normal.” More than 63 percent of Group Two achieved this result compared with less than 12 percent of Group One.

It gets better. About 95 percent of the men in groups one and two stayed in the study until it was over.

One big change was bringing the pharmacists into the barber shop. The barbers were the trusted people to engage the customer. The barbershop was the trusted place to treat the patient.

Experts say there will be the usual questions of how this might work on a large-scale. That is not the point. The study highlights the problems with the way the U.S. delivers health care. We have the health care system we have because of history and economics. It is not because we know it is the best way to treat patients.

Small retail clinics may work best. Many professional groups prefer a medical setting. Lifestyle changes may do more to improve health than drugs. Getting the system to see that diet and exercise might also prevent diabetes may be the best way to go.

Health care is the biggest industry in the United States. Finding better ways to deliver services may be the smartest way to spend time and money.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 18 jul. 2018. Adaptado.

Após a leitura do texto, analise as assertivas que seguem:

​I. No trecho “It is not because we know it is the best way to treat patients” o adjetivo good é utilizado no grau superlativo.
II. O trecho sublinhado em “Health care is the biggest industry in the United States” pode ser traduzido como “a maior”.
III. Em “Finding better ways to deliver services may be the smartest way to spend time and money” há apenas um adjetivo na forma superlativa.
IV. No trecho “Is the barbershop a better place to detect and treat hypertension than a doctor’s office?” questiona-se se a barbearia é o melhor lugar para se tratar a hipertensão. Nessa construção, o superlativo “better” é utilizado.

É correto o que se afirma em:
Alternativa 1:
I e II, apenas.

Alternativa 2:
I e III, apenas.

Alternativa 3:
I, II e III, apenas.

Alternativa 4:
II, III e IV, apenas.

Alternativa 5:
I, II, III e IV.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por anapaulaahma


Alternativa 3


IV Está incorreta pois "better" é comparativo e não superlativo.

Espero ter ajudado :)

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