Em língua inglesa, precisamos estar atentos às formas e aos usos das Conditionals (condicionais). Nessas construções, é comum a utilização do termo if para indicar uma condição para que alguma ação ou evento aconteça. As principais condicionais da língua inglesa são: zero, first, second e third conditionals. A partir dessa ideia, leia o texto que segue.
Majella Moynihan reveals she survived five suicide attempts after mistreatment from Gardai
Majella Moynihan has spoken about her pregnancy while in the gardai, who she says forced her to give up her child.
As a young recruit, she and another young garda had a sexual relationship.
Ms Moynihan became pregnant in the 1980s and was charged for having pre-marital sex with another garda.
She was forced to give up her child for adoption and had to face gossip from her force in the Store Street garda station, Dublin.
Ms Moynihan said she was 'shunned' by the Guards but said they were 'there the best they could'.
She added that a higher up garda told her: 'If you had had an abortion, you wouldn't have brought discredit on the force.'
Speaking to Sean O'Rourke on RTE Radio One, Ms Moynihan revealed that she had tried to take her life five times.
She said: 'I'm strong, they thought they'd break me. They didn't. I'm a very strong woman.
'I have done counselling for years and years, they no longer have a hold over me, today I'm free.
Ms Moynihan said the superiors looked down on her having a relationship within the force but they 'weren't the only couple'.
When she thought she may have been pregnant, the former garda went to a Well Woman clinic where they confirmed her pregnancy.
'I stayed on the beat until I was 17 weeks and then I told a female inspector who told me to tell my superior,' she recalled.
MS Moynihan
went to Cura, a pregnancy crisis agency at the time, who she said were 'very supportive'.
She continued: 'I would have been lost without them. As I said on many occasions, no one knew about my pregnancy.'
My sisters were aware of it, my stepmother was aware of it. But not my dad, not even before she died,' she said, fighting back tears.
Ms Moynihan said she was never once told by her superiors that she was not to have a sexual relation with another Garda.
When asked if she thought to go to the Garda Representative Association, the mother said she was never made aware of the organisation.
No one ever told me that I could have had someone beside me to support me, no one came forward to support me,' she insisted.
'It was [GRA's] job to come to me, not me to go to them.
'The welfare officers in the Gardai at the time didn't apporach me, I was very much alone in that period of darkness. It was horrific.
'Every day I put on my uniform and thought of my unborn child. What if I was assaulted and couldn't tell my story to anyone?'
Ms Moynihan eventually told her district officer in Store Street, who decided to bring her off the beat and into the collator office.
She praised the two men she worked with, saying they were extremely supportive.
Ms Moynihan went on: 'I was living out of my body at that time. It was all hush hush.
'I knew when I went downstairs it was, "Hush, Majella's here".
'I was never once asked how I was or how I was coping.'
Disponível em: <https://bit.ly/32Hev1c>. Acesso em 17 de jun. 2019. Adaptado.
Após a leitura do texto, avalie as assertivas e assinale a alternativa correta.
I - O excerto “‘From the first time I told the authorities, it was adoption, adoption, adoption” não contém condicionais.
II - O trecho "If you had had an abortion, you wouldn’t have brought discredit on the force" apresenta uma construção na Third Conditional.
III - A frase "Arrangements will be made today Monday, June 17 2019, to provide Ms Moynihan with a personal apology from the Commissioner" está na First Conditinal, já que apresenta o modasentido.lV - A frase "Ms Moynihan wonders if she had come from a strong family, would she have been treated in such a way?" poderia ser escrita da seguinte forma: Ms Moyniahn wonders if she didn’t come from a strong family, would she be treated in such a way?, sem alteração significativa de seu sentido.l
É correto o que se afirma em:
( ) I e II, apenas.
( ) I, II e III apenas.
( ) I, III e IV apenas.
( ) II, III e IV apenas.
( ) I, II, III e IV.
Resposta: II, III e IV apenas
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
I e II, apenas.
III - A frase "Arrangements will be made today Monday, June 17 2019, to provide Ms Moynihan with a personal apology from the Commissioner" está na First Conditinal, já que apresenta o modal will. - Errado. Conditionals são caracterizados pela conjunção "if" or "unless", não somente modal verbs.
IV - A frase "Ms Moynihan wonders if she had come from a strong family, would she have been treated in such a way?" poderia ser escrita da seguinte forma: Ms Moyniahn wonders if she didn’t come from a strong family, would she be treated in such a way?, sem alteração significativa de seu sentido. - a alteração mudaria completamente o sentido.
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