barbante non
hiz kid gets
into college
at age 11!
When David was 4, books and resources to
I bouglia used computer dullerige him,
u a garage sade thinking Finally, she decided
he might have fun play- to let David take a high
Ing with it," recalled school equivalency
Jadde, she couldn't afford exam. The brilliant boy
any software - but that aced it, skipped high
didn't bother David. He school completely - and
Just created programs of applied to Oregon State
his own!
University, where hell be
"He sat at that com entering this fod
puter for hours every day, "His scores on the
working with numbers placement exams were
Boy genius David Noor started and constructing pro- very impressive," Gayle
gramat said Jackle, who Shobe of the university's
talking at 5 months, learned to
works part-time for the admission office told the
read at 3 years, and wrote com Oregon Department of ENQUIRER.
puter programs at 5. Now he's been Motor Vehicles.
"He'll be the young-
Execs at a computer est student we ever had
accepted as a college freshman at
company learned about enrolled."
a major university... at the tender David and were so im Despite his intellect,
age of 111
pressed they shipped the David still enjoys the
David - who skipped high school com-
same kind of fun as ordi-
whiz kid a box-load of
advanced programming nary kids. He told the
pletely - showed his smarts early on, proud
manuals, said his mom ENQUIRER:
mom Jackie Noor of Corvallis, Oreg., told the
"David was in My friends and I are
heaven. Those books building a fort in the
were written in a lan Woods, and I like to ride!
"By the time he was When Jackie, who's guage beyond most my bile and play with my
5 months old, he was separated from her hus- people's comprehen- dog, Blackie. I collect
jumping around the room band, took 2-year-old sion, yet David absorbed baseball cards too."
and repeating everything David to the supermar- them completely."
He plans to get a de-
I said."
ket, the tiny Einstein The tiny techie ex- gree in electrical engineer-
At age 2 his favorite would stand in the cart perimented with brain ing, then go to law school
treat was going with his and stupefy passersby by busting programs until and specialize in trial law.
mother to the library. reading labels aloud he actually surpassed Pastor Terry Osborne,
Watching and listening Jackie decided to his old computer's built administrator of Nazarene
as she read to him, have David tested at in capacity.
Christian School in
David rapidly taught nearby Oregon State Uni David's abilities ex Philomath, Oreg, where
himself to read
versity. The results panded faster than teach- David attended private
"He was like a com showed that at age 3 he ers could teach him, even school, predicts: "The
puter swallowing up in was already reading at the in a fancy private school world will hear much
formation," remembers second-grade level.. and His mom tried to tutor more about David Noor
his mom
his IQ was a sky-high 164! him, but she ran out of in the future!"
(The National Enquirer)
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