Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 11 meses atrás

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Transform the sentences using causative have

1- They are washing their car now
2- I have be shed my hair
3- We would build a house
4- She can prepare dinner
5- We must wash our clothes
6- She cleans her room every day
7- I took a picture yesterday
8-We was riding her garden
9-He has fixed his tv
10- I'll publing my pell someday
11- He polished his car this morning
12- We should water the flower
13-They must repair the refrigerator

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MarlomRV
They are having their car washed.

I had my hair shaved

We would have a house built 

She can have dinner prepared

We must get our clothes washed

She has her room cleaned every day

I was taken a picture yesterday

He had to had his TV fixed

I'll have my pell pubbed some day

He had his car polished this morning

We should have the flower watered

They must have their refrigerator repaired. 

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