Inglês, perguntado por ozianeoziane270, 9 meses atrás

E agora pra recordar.(19/05) o assunto da semana passada: THE SIMPLE FUTURE, com auxiliar: WILL não esqueça de traduzir cada frase oana until late (to work) 6. Samuel and Vivian tomorrow (to travel) YOU here, with me. (to be) to Coelho Neto, this weekend.( to go)


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por juliaferreiraabrego


EXERCISES E: Coloque as frases abaixo nas formas negativa e interrogativa:

1) She will meet you at home.

neg.: She won't meet you at home

int.: Will she meet you at home?

2) I’ll work hard tomorrow.

neg.: I Will not work hard tomorrow

int.: Will I work hard Tomorrow?

3) They will play soccer tomorrow.

neg.: They Won't play soccer tomorrow

int.: Will they play soccer tomorrow?

4) It will cost 47 dollars to fix the car.

neg.: It Will not cost 77 dollars to fix the car

int.: Will it cost 47 dollars to fix the car?

5) We will take the children to the park.

neg.: We will take the children to the park

int.: Will we take the children to the park?

6) The girls will talk to you.

neg.: The girls won't talk to you

int.: Will the Girls talk to you?

7) We will arrive on time.

neg.: We won't arrive on time

int.: Will we arrive on time?

8) The bus will leave at 10 o’clock.

neg.: The bus won't leave at 10 o'clock

int.: Will the bus leave at 10 o'clock?



Sujeito + will + verbo principal no infinitivo sem o to + complemento


Sujeito + will + not + verbo principal no infinitivo sem o to + complemento


Will + sujeito + verbo principal no infinitivo sem o to + complemento

ozianeoziane270: Está tudo errado!!!!
ozianeoziane270: não é a mesma frase
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