Inglês, perguntado por aluno1233551, 7 meses atrás

Dou todas estrelas e melhor avaliação a quem puder me responder!!

Coloque as frases na forma negativa!

1.The stores _____ (close) at 6 P.M. on Fridays. (As lojas fecham às seis da tarde às sextas-feiras).
2.She _____ (wake up) at 8 A.M. every day. (Ela acorda às oito da manhã todo dia).
3. I  ____ (like) cheese. (Eu gosto de queijo).
4. She _____ (know) the whole story. (Ela conhece a história completa).
5.He _________ (play) soccer very well. (Ele joga futebol muito bem.)
6.She ________ (love) chocolate. (Ela ama chocolate.)
7.They ____________ (go) to school in the afternoon. (Eles vão para a escola de tarde.)
8.I always __________ (read) the newspaper in the morning. (Eu sempre leio o jornal de manhã.)
9.We generally ___________ (travel) to Brazil in December. (Geralmente nós viajamos para o Brasil em dezembro.)
10.I ________ (live) in Brazil. (Eu moro no Brasil).
11.He _________ (teach) Spanish at the university. (Ele ensina espanhol na universidade.)
12.They ___________ (prefer) Italian food. (Eles preferem comida italiana.
13.She __________ (watch) TV every day. (Ela assiste TV todos os dias.) We _________ (like) to go to the beach during the week. (Nós gostamos de ir à praia durante a semana.)
14.It ____________ (push)  the door when it wants to get in. (Ele/ela empurra a porta quanto quer entrar)
15.You always __________ (arrive) late. (Você sempre chega atrasado.)
16.She always ___________ (kiss) her grandma before leaving. (Ela sempre beija a avó antes de sair.)
17.He _________ (go) to the gym on weekends. (Ele vai à academia aos fins de semana.)
18.She ___________ (fix)  her car by herself. (Ela conserta o carro dela sozinha.)
19. She __________ (worry) with him.
20.I _____________ (worry) with him.
21. The bird ______________ (fly).
22.I ____________ (study) English.
23.She ____________ (study) English.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Nikk5656

1.The stores do not (close) at 6 P.M. on Fridays.  

2.She does not (wake up) at 8 A.M. every day.

3. I  do not like (cheese.)

4. She does not (know) the whole story.

5.He does not (play) soccer very well. (Ele joga futebol muito bem.)

6.She does not (love) chocolate. (Ela ama chocolate.)

7.They do not (go) to school in the afternoon. (Eles vão para a escola de tarde.)

8.I always do not (read) the newspaper in the morning. (Eu sempre leio o jornal de manhã.)

9.We generally do not (travel) to Brazil in December. (Geralmente nós viajamos para o Brasil em dezembro.)

10.I does not (live) in Brazil. (Eu moro no Brasil).

11.He does not (teach) Spanish at the university. (Ele ensina espanhol na universidade.)

12.They do not (prefer) Italian food. (Eles preferem comida italiana.

13.She does not (watch) TV every day. (Ela assiste TV todos os dias.) We do not (like) to go to the beach during the week. (Nós gostamos de ir à praia durante a semana.)

14.It does not (push)  the door when it wants to get in. (Ele/ela empurra a porta quanto quer entrar)

15.You always do not (arrive) late. (Você sempre chega atrasado.)

16.She always does not (kiss) her grandma before leaving. (Ela sempre beija a avó antes de sair.)

17.He does not (go) to the gym on weekends. (Ele vai à academia aos fins de semana.)

18.She does not (fix)  her car by herself. (Ela conserta o carro dela sozinha.)

19. She is not (worry) with him.

20.I am not (worry) with him.

21. The bird does not (fly).

22.I do not (study) English.

23.She does not (study) English.​

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