Inglês, perguntado por emillydaiane2606, 1 ano atrás

Does pedro eat lunch in the cafeteria everyday forma afirmativa

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Simple present - affirmative form

Does Pedro eat lunch in the cafeteria everyday?    >> interrogative

Pedro eats lunch in the cafeteria everyday.             >> affirmative

Pedro doesn't eat lunch in the cafeteria everyday. >> negative

→→ Auxiliares do Simple Present - interrogativa / negativa

∴∴  Do / Don't >>> usado com I - you - we - they

Do you like to play golf?

I don't play video games.

∴∴  Does / Doesn't >>> usado com He - she - it >>> sempre que usar o auxiliar ''DOES'' o verbo volta para a forma original, sem ''s'' ou ''es''.

She likes to dance.

She doesn't like to dance.

Does she like to dance?

John studies German.

John doesn't study German .

Does John study German?

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