Inglês, perguntado por thamirysfernandes, 10 meses atrás

Do you live in a big city? It is said that living in big cities is expensive because of the high living cost. There are also pollution and traffic problems that make living in big cities unpleasant. However, many people enjoy living in big cities because they offer convenience and countless options for entertainment.

Staying healthy is everybody’s concern and in big cities you can find the best possible medical care for any diseases, especially the severe ones. Moreover, compared to rural areas, access to medical treatment is easier because there are always clinics or medical centers that open 24 hours in many parts of the city so you can get medical help anytime, as soon as you need it. Reaching hospitals is also easier as public transport is usually available 24 hours a day.

There is a saying that big cities never sleep. This is true for some cities in which the nightlife begins just when people in other cities are ready to go to bed. Big cities like New York, Madrid, London and Paris have vibrant nightlife. People can still find entertainment, dine out or go shopping into the early hours.

All in all, living in big cities is more convenient because of the complete facilities provided. The advanced transportation system enables the citizens to access public facilities easier, cheaper and faster. Big cities also provide better education and health service. In addition, city life is more fun and exciting because there is a wide range of entertainment to enjoy and a lot of social events to attend.

(ESL Cities Reading: Advantages of Living in a Big City. Excellent ESL 4u. 2017. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 25 jul. 2017. Adaptado.)

A respeito do texto e do assunto nele abordado, avalie as afirmações a seguir:

I. In general, transportation system in big cities is bad.

II. It is better to live in rural areas instead of big cities because you can have more options of medical assistance.

III. Cities like Paris and New York are full of events during the night.

IV. There are no problems in living in big cities because it is very cheap.

V. There are more opportunities to have fun in big cities.

Considerando as proposições acima, é correto apenas o que se afirma em:

Escolha uma:
a. III, IV e V.
b. II e V.
c. I e IV.
d. I, II e III.
e. III e V.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por danielaalaplayp89i4n
nao sei como explicar mais, a resposta certa é E, espero ter ajudado
Respondido por yuri14rodrigues

Considerando os itens do texto sobre os aspectos das cidades grandes, temos que apenas as afirmações lll e V estão corretas. Sendo assim, apenas a alternativa E está correta.

Viver nas cidades grandes tem algumas vantagens, como no transporte público, que é eficiente, na maioria das cidades.

A assistência médica também é superior nas cidades grandes, em relação as áreas rurais.

No entanto, o custo de vida para quem mora em uma cidade grande é alto. Isso é uma situação que em comparação às áreas rurais, se torna uma desvantagem.

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