Inglês, perguntado por brenofigueiredp3y19a, 8 meses atrás

Do you know the most common political occupations? Depending on the politicalsystem, some roles might not be part of the government. Read the definitions and

match them with the corresponding politicians.

a) president

b) queen/king

c) prime minister

d) senator

e) congressman/congresswoman

f) deputy

g) governor

h) councilor

i) mayor

( ) A person who usually inherits his/her position and rules for life in a monarchy.

( ) This figure represents a state (or the Federal District) in the Legislative.

( ) This elected official is the head of the government of a city or town.

( ) In the Legislative power, this figure represents the population.

( ) The head of the government in a parliamentary system.

( ) The head of state in most republics.

( ) Someone who is a member of a congress, especially of the U.S. House of Representatives.

( ) These politicians discuss and vote on municipal laws.

( ) A person who is the government leader of a state, province, etc.​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por diogosarabun

Resposta:g -d - e - f - b - h - i -a - c

Explicação: fis no classroom

e acertei

Respondido por Alexv11

Seguem abaixo cada uma das ocupações governamentais e suas principais funções dentro de um governo em inglês:

(g) A person who usually inherits his/her position and rules for life in a monarchy.

(d) This figure represents a state (or the Federal District) in the Legislative.

(e) This elected official is the head of the government of a city or town.

(f) In the Legislative power, this figure represents the population.

(b) The head of the government in a parliamentary system.

(h) The head of state in most republics.

(i) Someone who is a member of a congress, especially of the U.S. House of Representatives.

(a) These politicians discuss and vote on municipal laws.

(c) A person who is the government leader of a state, province, etc.​


Para preencher corretamente cada uma das alternativas acima, primeiramente precisamos compreender quais são as opções disponíveis de cargos governamentais, ou seja, substantivos que preenchem os espaços, são elas:

  • a) president

  • b) queen/king

  • c) prime minister

  • d) senator

  • e) congressman/congresswoman

  • f) deputy

  • g) governor

  • h) councilor

  • i) mayor

Em seguida, é necessário que se conheça cada uma das funções que os cargos exercem dentro de um governo, nesse caso, afirma-se que os principais cargos governamentais são os prefeitos, governadores e presidente, sendo o presidente o responsável por cada uma das ações, decretos e sanções de leis do estado.

Leia mais sobre substantivos aqui:


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