Inglês, perguntado por anaclaramartinsmacie, 7 meses atrás

Do you know any blog that tells people about different personal experier
Read a travel blog text about a paradisiac place and answer the question:
Nomadic Matt
Ko lipe: the greatest month in all
my travels
March 15, 2018/By Nomadic Matt
In November 2006, (-) while
emailing my parents to let them
know I was still OK, I saw a message
in my inbox
"Matt, I'm stuck in this placed
called Ko Lipe. I'm not going to
meet you as planned, but you
should come down here. It's
paradise! I've been here a week
already. Find me on Sunset Beach,
- Olivia"
I looked up Ko Lipe on a map. There was only a small mention of it
in my guidebook (-)
As I looked around the crowded Internet café and onto the busy
street, it was clear that Phi Phi was not the tropical island paradise I had
envisioned. (-) A quieter, calmer paradise held great appeal. (...)
Two days later, I took the ferry to mainland, a long bus to the port
city of Pak Bara, and then the ferry to Ko Lipe. (...)
The ferry neared the island and came to a stop. There was no dock
on Ko Lipe (-)
As we walked to the other side of the island, I could see Olivia was
right: Ko Lipe was paradise. It was all gorgeous jungles, deserted beaches,
warm, crystal-clear blue water, and friendly locals. Electricity was only
available for a few hours at night, there were few hotels or tourists, and the
streets were simple dirt paths. Ko Lipe was the place I had dreamed of.
(-) I had no reason to leave. I was in paradise. (..)
My visa ran only until just before New Year's, so I would have to
leave to renew it before heading to Ko Phangan for the holiday.
(...) I've never been back to Ko Lipe. (...)
Nomadic Matt. Ko Lipe: The Greatest Month in All My Travels. Available
. Access: July 20

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Respondido por cristinacmelilo

oi  bsubeveuvuvDBUWVEW9E7WEGEGE

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