Inglês, perguntado por mariaclaraduar46, 7 meses atrás

diga se as palavras são verdadeiras ou falsas e anote as frases corretas!

* Beaware of local customs and avoid breaking the law when you travel.

* Hug and kiss people in public in india, it's a very common custom.

* Don't give Chrisanthemums to someone unless you are at a funeral in Croatia.

* Don't tip in Sigapore.

* Wear bikins when you go to the beach in Turkey

* Don't give or receive gifts in Kenya.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por craigtucker


* Beaware of local customs and avoid breaking the law when you travel.


* Hug and kiss people in public in india, it's a very common custom.


* Don't give Chrisanthemums to someone unless you are at a funeral in Croatia.


* Don't tip in Singapore.


* Wear bikins when you go to the beach in Turkey


* Don't give or receive gifts in Kenya.



Razões de porque é verdadeiro ou falso:

1- True, because it's important to be aware of the local customs and laws for the country that you are travelling to

2-False, don't hug or kiss in public, Indian society is conservative, particularly the older generation.

3- True, make sure to avoid Chrysanthemum, because it's associated with funerals

4- True, Singapore is not a tipping country so you do not need to worry about paying a tip when using any services in Singapore.

5- False, it's allowed, but you don't need to wear a bikini type of swimsuit.

6- False, gift-giving is a common practice. Note that gifts should be small and tasteful.


Espero ter ajudado! :D

craigtucker: Sem problemasKK
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