Matemática, perguntado por edlainegoncalvesdeso, 7 meses atrás

Determine as seguintes equações

A) 1 x 2

-2 x -4 = 0

1 -3 - y

B) x 2
9 6 = 6

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por wiliane874


1. Given numbers a, b, c, d E R with a+b+c+d=0, find a solution u to the problem | Au = 0 on Q avu = on an =g = = = on the square Q = (0,1) (0,1), where g(x,0) = a + cos(7x), g(x, 1) = 6, 9(0,y) = c+ cos(ny), g(1, y) = d. = > Hint: subtract multiples of x, y and x2 – y2 from u(x, y), making the new boundary condition have zero integral on each side.

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