desenvolva um texto sobre a Guerra Fria relacionando os termos doutrina Truman corrida armamentista otan e Pacto de Varsóvia
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After the end of World War II, the European countries were devastated because it was the scene of the war, but two countries that were allies in that period of war, stood out after this conflict, USA and USSR (Russian Socialist Soviet Union). one of these powers had different ideologies, USA preached capitalism and USSR socialism. Europe was divided into two areas: the western part became known as Western Europe, under the influence of capitalism; and the eastern part was called Eastern Europe under the influence of Soviet socialism. In 1947, then-President Harry S. Truan, put into practice a policy of containment of socialism, known as the Truman Doctrine. It preached the defense of the capitalist world against Soviet expansion by means of arms, if necessary, and made the United States largely responsible for the "maintenance of order and freedom" of the Western world. Thus began the disputes between these superpowers in several levels: political, ideological, economic, diplomatic, cultural and, mainly, strategic-military level. This war, which was not declared by these superpowers, led to a dispute for weapons with more destructive power and the use of increasingly sophisticated technology (arms race). NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was a military defense agreement of the North Atlantic region against armed aggression by the countries of the Soviet bloc. The Warsaw Pact was an agreement of friendship, cooperation and mutual defense, signed in 1955 and, in the context of the Cold War, was a counterpart to NATO.
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A guerra fria foi um período de bipolaridade mundial liderada por Estados Unidos da America ( capitalista ) e a União das Republicas Socialistas Soviéticas ( comunista ). A guerra fria foi uma guerra de influencia onde os dois lados ( capitalista e comunista ) buscavam ter o maior numero de países aliados, para isso, realizavam politicas para conter o avanço do lado oposto como a doutrina truman ( EUA ) que era uma ajuda financeira para reerguer o continente europeu após a guerra, disputavam o desenvolvimento tecnológico, bélico e espacial, além de criarem alianças militares como a OTAN (EUA) e o pacto de Varsóvia (URSS) Espero que possa ajudar.
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