Inglês, perguntado por SrDiego22, 3 meses atrás

Desafio 1 – Complete com o comparativo de superioridade

1. My city is ______________ (old) yours.

2. Jane is ______________ (pretty) Melissa.

3. Kevin is ______________ (attractive) John.

4. These goods are usually ______________ (heavy) those.

5. The road transport is ______________ (interesting) air.

6. You are so funny! He's even ______________ (funny) the one we saw yesterday.

7. This brand is ______________ (important) the other brand.

8. This pack is __________________ (suitable) that.

9. Italian is much ______________ (easy) to learn ____ German.

10. Jake is ______________(young) his sister.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7

1. older than

2. prettier than

3. more attractive than

4. heavier than

5. more interesting than

6. funnier than

7. more important than

8. more suitable than

9. easier / than

10. younger than

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